How to reach Poonch via Gulmarg

Gulmarg to Poonch via Dorein.

One march beyond Riyar is Dorein which is a shepherds' village. Further, Dorein to Nurpur takes about 6 hours. The path is steep. Ascend to Nurpur Pass, 13,000 ft. Descend from the top for one hour and a half to the village of Nurpur.
                Beautiful view of Gulmarg

Nurpur to Lohrin is 6 hours journey. The path is steep but with beautiful scenery in the way. Sir A.Stein has recognised Lohrin to be as Lohara which played an important role in Kashmir history. Loran to Mandi is 3 hours journey and thence to Poonch, a long stage.
                  view of Poonch Town

From Nurpur, one can go to Nilnag. Nurpur to Chanz is 5 hours and another 6 hours journey to Nilnag

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