Beautiful Lolab valley

Lolab Valley.

This valley is regarded as one of the best with charms of its own. There are green rice fields, meadows and lovely orchards. Joshua Duke remarks: "There are few more charming spots in Kashmir than the Lolab. If it lacks the wild grandeur of Sind or the majestic splendour of the Gurais or the calm expanse of the Dal and the Manasbal, it has a sylvan beauty all its own and nowhere excelled."
This valley is 16 miles long and 3 miles broad and lies about 50 miles off north to Sopore. The valley produces a variety of fruits in large quantities. The hens of the valley are very good. Ideal camping grounds will be found at Patalnag, Kambrial, Nagmarg and Drass. There are nice forest huts at Drass. Chandigam, Kumbrial, Renawari and Kitardaji Permission to use them should be obtained from the Divisional Forest Officer. This valley is hot in July and August. It is recommended to visit it before July or after August. The Forest Department has got a set of good roads throughout the Lolab and the prettiest is between Ramour and Drass. There are many routes but the easiest are the three following starting from Baramulla, Sopore and Alsu.

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