How to reach Gulmarg on Foot

From Srinagar via Tangmarg. This is a generally preferred route. The first 25 miles are travelled on a car or lorry and the remaining 3 miles on poniesor on foot, which are very pleasant. There are two stages on this route-Magam and Tangmarg. The former is a small village, 14 miles from Srinagar and possesses a small Dak Bungalow. The latter is the terminal point of vehicular traffic towards Gulmarg. There are motor garages and a small bazar and a sanitorium for T.B. patients. Here you will meet a large number of ponies and coolies.
.                         Gulmarg

From Shadipur via Palhallen. Shadipur is reached by boat, six hours journey from Srinagar. Palhallen is a small village near Pattan, a stage between Baramulla and Srinagar. Here the temples are worth a visit. After Pattan, a stream is crossed and Baramulla Road is left. The path is steep onwards. Several villages are passed. After 14 miles, Babamarishi is reached. (see excursions from Gulmarg.) A bridle path leads to Gulmarg. After 3 miles, the Circular Road is crossed and enters the market of Gulmarg. There is also another path through beautiful woods but it is 2 miles longer.
             Gulmarg During Winters

From Sopore via Kontara. Sopore to Kontara is 14 miles. The road crosses the Srinagar Baramulla Road and passes the villages of Naopur, Wogra, Minnegam etc, Kontara is a good camping ground. Kontara to Gulmarg is 8 miles. Road is steep. It passes a pretty glen called Nambalnar. This route joins the Palhallen route at Babamarishi (see above).

From Baramulla via Kontara. Baramulla to Kontara is 9 miles. Near Gohan, the path is steep. After Shimlaran, it descends gradually into a nullah. and opposite to it is Kontara. See Sopore route for onward journey.
               Gulmarg during Summer

From Rampur, 22 miles The first stage is Camp (Somar Ali), 12 miles. Naushehra comes at the 5th mile on the cart-road. Upward path is steep and goes through forests. On the top, 9,500 ft, is a large meadow suitable for camping. Gulmarg is 10 miles from here with ups and downs passing through meadows and streams. At half way, the path, leaving Lilanmarg on the right side, enters Gulmarg below Dhobi Ghat.

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